Friday, July 6, 2012

The Bucket List

      I have an ongoing unofficial bucket list going on in my head. Mostly, it's cool things I want to do or try or things that I decide are bucket-list worthy once I've already done them or am in the midst of doing them. Some of them include, Eating fish and chips in a pub in the UK. (CHECK!) eating a macroon from Laduree in Paris, going to India (CHECK!), learning to paddle board, and snorkeling off the coast of Africa and other various travel activities. I feel like at some point I should actually write them down  and make an official bucket list, especially because I love lists so much, but after today, I think this is one that can definitely be crossed off my unofficial bucket list so far: Riding an auto rickshaw through Indian traffic.

This is what an auto rickshaw looks like:

And this is what the Indian traffic looked like today. For example, it took us 2 hours to drive 20 miles:  

(Hopefully, I'll be able to upload the video from today's adventures, but the internet here is a little spotty.)



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