Saturday, May 19, 2012


I don't know whether I should have expectations or not for this trip, because I don't like when things don't go the way I expect or want, and I don't like to set myself up for disappointment.
However, I think there are some things I need to prepare myself for, or that I naturally just expect. (And because my type-A personality needs to make lists to keep myself sane)

So, here is my list of "Things that I'm expecting when I shouldn't be expecting." (That's probably not the best title....actually it can be really misconstrued...but I explained my reasoning above.)

1.  To learn A LOT. (I feel like that was a cop-out answer, but still, I feel like I should be expecting that and be willing.)
2. To get out of my comfort zone. This is in a lot of different aspects, but it's definitely something I'll have to keep in mind everyday. Besides, it's been said that the magic really happens when you stop being comfortable. So there's some motivation for you. (To be honest, I'm pretty positive I saw that on a Panda Express fortune cookie when Charis, Kari and I were having one of our weekly dinners. Oh well, sometimes fortune cookies speak the truth. At least they're entertaining.
3. Along with that, to be prepared to be uncomfortable. Physically and well as mentally. It's going to be hot, humid, I'm going to have to wear different clothes and be in a completely different culture and it's going to be hard to communicate in a place that doesn't speak English. I'm excited though, and I think expecting a few cultural mishaps and for things to just be different, will make the transition a little easier.
4.  To be stared at. All the time. I feel like on every trip I go on, I get that advice. Especially if it's a place where blonde hair and green eyes are uncommon; i.e. India. Duh. That sounds kind of creepy and stalker-ish but nevertheless, it's just something I'll get used to there.
5. Since we'll be studying NGOs and development, and just the nature of being in a developing nation, to see extreme poverty. This is something I don't think I could ever be prepared for. From my experiences in poverty-stricken areas, it pulls at the deepest parts of my heart and it physically hurts in the core of my soul to see another person in such need and desperation.
6. I guess it goes along with being out of my comfort zone but, I'm expecting to be stretched in my standard ways in routines. If I'm being honest, I can be pretty set in my ways, which can be pretty prissy. I like to have things go my way, like I planned, and I've been known to have a few hissy fits and diva moments. (That's pretty embarrassing to admit, but after nearly twenty years of them, I really should get over it.) I'm really picky about my food, the type of restaurants I like, and need my daily scheduled routine.  I paint my nails on at least a weekly basis, (because if I didn't, they would be reduced to stubs.) and my morning routine is to consult my extensive Pinterest boards before I pick an outfit. My hair is always somehow unhealthily processed and overheated on a nearly daily basis, and I almost never leave the house without make up on. It's not that I feel it's so necessary to look put together or my identity is completely based on my appearance, but it's just something that has been ingrained into my daily routine since middle school. (Although it is something I do enjoy. I am unarguably a pink and frills and manicures and curls and heels type of girl.) Based on that reasoning alone, it sounds like I should be petrified of going to India. However, this is one of the reasons I'm really, really, really, excited. I'm looking forward to being stretched in this way. I look forward to being pulled out of my routine and scheduled mindset and to have a chance to truly observe and take in every aspect of every day. To get to just experience life in India. To not be constantly checking my phone or twitter or facebook or email or browsing pinterest every time I decide I lose interest. To not be so preoccupied with what needs to be done or rushing through life that I miss the excitement and magic and beauty that I'm looking for.
7. Finally, to have some serious jetlag. I think this goes with the territory of traveling across the world, and it is over 28 hours worth of planes and waiting in airports. So, I think it's a safe bet to expect that and just deal with it.

That's only seven things, and a lot of them are pretty repetitive,  but like I said, I don't want to expect. I don't want to plan or make lists or schedule things. Here's not not expecting anything. I might not be completely good at that yet or completely ready to let my set-in-my-ways tendencies go yet, but I promise, I'm working on it. ;)

                                        With Love,

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