Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm all about academics and whatever.

This blog post should really be titled "How the heck does a Public Relations/Economic double major end up studying NGOs in a third-world country?"
It completely makes sense to ask that question to, so I don't mind explaining it, especially since I can't tell the story without weaving in God's incredible grace and his perfect ability to love us and speak to us just the way we need to be.

For the most part, growing up there were three things I wanted to be when I grew up:
1. A marine biologist (I have no idea what I was thinking..probably because I liked dolphins or something.)
2. A sports analyst on ESPN or MLB Network (I may or may not be still holding on to this dream. I mean, baseball has an off-season so I totally make it work. Just kidding. But not really.)
3. Work in the fashion industry...for Kate Spade or J. Crew (This might be slightly far fetched but I'm still trying to figure out where my adoration for fashion fits into everything.)
4. A Lawyer. (This was up until I got to UF. At the time it seemed to make sense, was fairly rational, and I liked politics and history, so it seemed like a completely legitimate career choice.)

I started out my college career as a political science major, on the pre-law track. It was a direct way to a seemingly stable and lucrative career, and for the most part, I found it interesting. In high school, most people made a lot of "you're so going to be like Elle Woods from Legally Blonde" comments. (Some probably meant them maliciously, but I like to think of it as a compliment because she succeeds in the end. Besides, Legally Blonde the Musical is fabulous).
Anyways. Even as I was registering for classes and planning out every class I will ever take, (I like to plan things. It's therapeutic to me. Not having things planned makes me really anxious. I realize that's not biblical, so I'm working on that.) God was telling me to change my major. Not answers in dreams or like literally speaking to me. First, it was little things that would get to me. I suddenly felt really uncomfortable with my major. I started second guessing everything. This makes me panic and question my entire life. Definitely not fun, but God uses what's necessary to get our attention. However, I brush off those feelings (obviously wrongly, for the summer.)

Flash forward through the summer. Thoughts of school are still in the front of my mind and I'm mulling over a possible major change in the back of my mind, knowing it's probably inevitable, but I'm arguing with God over it. I'm stubborn.

During that time, God revealed something huge to me. I was choosing something that was in my comfort zone. I saw my schooling, and career as a means to an end. the end was a comfortable life, with everything I wanted. I may say I was trying to be obedient when God says things like  "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27.  But were my actions reflecting that?
My time on earth, regardless of where it's spent or the season of life, is not to be wasted. It's not about just having an education or career, it's about bringing glory to God with each day.

Intrinsically, I can't just have a career, no matter how fulfilling or successful it may seem. I've been created with the compassion and desire for justice that calls me to action. I don't want an education that prepares me for the business world, I need a game plan.

Finally, half -way through fall semester, after suffering through Poli Sci classes and hating them; something incredibly frustrating for me who is super stubborn (are we sensing a theme here?) and for whom academics was always her "thing", after prayer, talking to tons of people, many of whom God placed in my life for a purpose, I changed my major to public relations. (Which is truly such a perfect major for me, I couldn't enjoy it more. Clearly, God knows what's up when we actually follow up and trust his promises and unfailing love.) Side note, the economics major was also because I'm surprisingly good at it and I like it too. It also really compliments PR and what I want to do.

So, How does this lead me to India? God placed two huge issues on my heart that I have such compassion for and a burning desire to see God's will completed here on Earth in regards to them: Human trafficking and clean water. Two issues that are incredibly prevalent in India. India also has a huge amount of NGOs and INGOs attempting to alleviate and completely end these problems.

So, how does public relations fit into all of this? One word: Awareness. The Public needs to be aware of what is happening in the world. Huge things can be accomplished when people are made aware, and are given ways to act. (Think of the outcry with Kony and Invisible Children.) There is also an incredible need for NGOs to have access to social media and for them to utilize public relations in a sustainable way.

Career-wise, God has given me a passion and the gifts, talent and drive needed to succeed in the non-profit PR field and to make a difference. Is this a less stable and clear career path than law? Absolutely. Do I have a completely clear plan? Nope. Does this freak me out? To the core. But it's ok. Because I'm learning to seek God, rather than seek His calling.

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE." Jeremiah 29:11

                                                       With Love,



  1. You know I understand 100%! Amen! God is about to do some amazing work in and through you! LOVE YOU!


    1. Love you Raychel! I cannot wait to keep up with you on the race! Praying for you!
