Friday, May 25, 2012

Legally Blonde and random places of inspiration

If you don't like the movie Legally Blonde, we probably can't be friends.

Ok, that's probably an exaggeration, but you'll probably be annoyed by the fact that I quote that movie like nobody's business, randomly burst out in songs from the musical, and watch a specific scene from that movie for study motivation for all midterms and finals every semester.

Why is it so great you ask?
 1. It's really entertaining. There are some quality quotes in that movie. (Don't stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, you know you love this movie too.)
2. It's inspirational. Think this is a stretch? Think again. It's defying stereotypes and gives you a character you want to root for.
3. The good girl wins in the end by going after what she wants, working hard, and doing it the right way. In the end, yes, she gets the right guy, but that wasn't the point of the movie.
4. Reese Witherspoon is wonderful. Enough said.

One scene in particular, besides the scene that helps me study for exams, is my favorite. It's from Legally Blonde 2, but it is the 21st century, blonde version of this verse:

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." - Proverbs 31:8-9

See for yourself:
 Ok, so it's not necessarily the most biblical, but you have to admit the Elle makes a pretty good point.

If you read my last post, you know my experiences and how the lord really put the poor and oppressed on my hear.  I left for college with this burden in my heart, but I didn't know what to do about it. How could I reconcile this verse with my everyday life?
God answers prayers so much though when you start seeking Him, rather than his blessings or plans.

Within a month into school, I learned about an internship with an incredible local non-profit called FIGHT. It was an anti-human trafficking non-profit, and like I said, the two burdens God laid on my heart were human trafficking and clean water and water access.

Coincidence? I think not.
So I applied, I prayed, and I waited, patiently. Not something I'm good at. However, I knew that God fulfilled his promises when I committed my plans to him and would deliver.
In November, I heard back and learned I got the internship for the following spring semester.

It was one of the biggest blessings I have received to date. I learned so much. I was mentored and my heart was completely broken for victims of trafficking and their traffickers.

27 million. That is an overwhelming number. That's how many people are in slavery throughout the world right now. This number is really discouraging. I would lie awake at night crying for these people and thinking how impossible it would be to ever end human trafficking.

Then, He gently reminded me that I am not God. He sees what's happening and it breaks his heart. The incredible thing is that he invites us to do something about it. To speak up! (Again, my life could only be so perfectly woven together by the creator of the universe, because this is where my education and major come in again.)
Through all the statistics and information I learned what a biblical response to injustice looks like. It was life changing. It's not based on emotions and hype, but it's doing something.

With all that's happened in the past year, I know that the Lord is calling me to India during this time to speak up against injustice and indifference. 
Day by day I'm learning what that looks like and it makes me so unbelievably happy. (And if I'm being honest, pretty relieved.)

I just realized it took me like four really long blog posts to explain all of this. But it also really helped me process everything. So if you're still reading, thanks.

                                                       With Love,


P. S. If you were inspired by this I so encourage you to do something about something you're passionate about. Don't be indifferent.

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