Friday, May 11, 2012

Why India?

"This is indeed India!
The land of dreams and romance, of fabulous wealth and fabulous poverty, of splendour and rags, of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence, of genii and giants and Aladdin lamps, of tigers and elephants, the cobra and the jungle, the country of hundred nations and a hundred tongues, of a thousand religions and two million gods, cradle of the human race, birthplace of human speech, mother of history, grandmother of legend, great-grandmother of traditions, whose yesterday’s bear date with the modering antiquities for the rest of nations-the one sole country under the sun that is endowed with an imperishable interest for alien prince and alien peasant, for lettered and ignorant, wise and fool, rich and poor, bond and free, the one land that all men desire to see, and having seen once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for the shows of all the rest of the world combined." - Mark Twain

I didn't think it was that weird that I was studying abroad in India. In my head it seemed like the trip of a lifetime. I could also fulfill my dream of being an indie/hipster/hippie - type, you know, everything my life already embodies. (That was clearly a joke. I'm not that ridiculously shallow and I don't fit those stereotypes whatsoever.) I'll probably regret that last comment because sarcasm doesn't come off well online. Sorry, I'm not really sorry. I'm mentally preparing myself for the berating I'll get by anonymous comments after that. Whatever. (Again, I should probably filter my sass.) But in all seriousness, I was beyond excited to go, accepted into the program, and my parents were completely on board.

Then people started asking "Why?" Like that was the strangest idea they had ever heard.
Really, I just wanted to answer "Why not?" with a slightly sassy tone, but that would be snarky and mean and rude. (I swear, I filter in real life.)

I guess this does make sense since I'm a PR/Economics double major...however, my minor is in International Development and Humanitarian Assistance. Career-wise (that's a long story in itself) it will be an unforgettable and basically necessary experience. (And definitely not a waste of tuition money...someone did make that comment.)

So, I complied a list of Why India. (In no particular order)
  • The colors, the sights, the history, the people. I mean, have you seen Eat, Pray, Love? If that doesn't make you want to travel, I don't know what will.
  • I have a serious case of wanderlust, India is one of the first of many.
  • I get to ride an elephant while I'm there. Elephants are my favorite animal ever, so I think that's reason enough.
  • The program itself is incredible. We'll be studying NGOs and development in the second largest democracy in the world, while getting hands on experience with the NGOs we visit. It will be an unparalleled experience.
  • Dr. K and Dr. L, the professor and his wife, along with their eight year old daughter, are absolutely wonderful. They've already treated us like their family, and as Indian natives, have amazing insight.
  • Along with the India being on my travel bucket list point, I have wanted to go to India ever since I read and watched A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Yes, when I was little the beginning totally freaked me out, but I so wanted to be like Sara Crewe...minus the whole "your father gets PTSD after the war and forgets who you are while you're abused by the boarding school principle" thing. However, even at almost twenty, I have firmly held onto the "every girl is a princess" mantra. This probably makes me really weird for admitting this, but whatever. It's classic literature.
  • Finally, and definitely most importantly: the great commission. It's a calling. It's the verse behind the title of this blog. Romans 10:15 has been on my heart since December, and I know God is calling me to India during this time. That isn't to say you can't spread the gospel wherever you are, but I'm working on being obedient. (This is just a glimpse into my purpose, the full story will be another blog post on it's own. I know, you'll probably be on the edge of your seat waiting for it.)
                                                        With Love,


  1. How do I subscribe? I want to be able to rejoice with you, anger with you, cry with you, laugh at you, smile with you, be bored with you. Sign me up!

    O did I say laugh "AT" you.. well, i guess thats what I meant! MOOHAHA

    1. I just added the button to subscribe to the RSS feed or by email :)
